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Entwicklung & Umwelt


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Weiterführende Internetlinks zu
Entwicklung und Umwelt in Nepal

Nepal Development Forum 2002

Eco Himal

Educate the Children (ETC)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Nepal

Ganesha's Project, Hilfe zur IT-Selbsthilfe in Nepal

Deutsch-Nepalische Hilfsgemeinschaft (DNH)

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu (ICIMOD)

Kinderhaus Kathmandu

Nepal-Hilfe Aachen

Nepalhilfe Beilngries

Nepal School Projects (NSP)

Social Educational and Environmental Development Services (SEEDS)

United Hands in Nepal (UHN)

United Mission to Nepal (UMN)


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2002-02-26 .